Typically I’m used to do all my graphs on paper, like using pen and paper and possibly a ruler. That has worked for me for a long time and I didn’t think that would change in the foreseeable future. But I was wrong. Last week, my stats teacher asked as to submit a histogram for a dataset he provided. I thought, oh well, this is the same I have always. The only difference was that this time he wanted us to submit a computer rendered graph. So the no paper and pen was allowed this time.
My classmates were saying, no problem, use Excel or other kind of statistics software. But I have phobia for any kind of statistical software, I just do not understand them. The interface is too complex and confusing, I just do not understand it. I mean. I can work with software in general, I do have some talent for using graphical computer software, but when it comes to stats, well, my brain comes to a stop.
My classmates also mentioned Minitab, but it tried and still I could not understand it. I guess I could do it if I had a tutor working with me. Things would be different, I guess, if I had someone with me showing the exact steps of what to do and how to do it. I need to know exactly what buttons to push and things like that. Otherwise I know I won’t make it work.
Since I didn’t have any tutor at my reach, neither I had the money for one, I decided to look for the term histogram maker in Google. I went through several of the results and I found quite a few that were decent. Most could render decent looking histogram, but not all of them are so straightforward. A histogram maker will all the good features I would be expecting to see is not that easy to come across, but there are some sites that do a very good job, such as MathCracker and EasyCalculation, but I guess it depends on personal taste.
I was really surprised overall with the quality of majority of the histograms I got, but mostly, I was pleased I did not have to deal with any kind of stats software, so in the end, it was absolutely worth the effect to go online for my search. Do a google search and try a few online histogram makers out there and see which one you like.